Higher Education – College Accommodations / Discipline
Services May Include:
College and Post-secondary Accommodations and Discipline
Testing accommodations requests and appeals.
Disciplinary Proceedings / Academic Integrity
The student community at Colleges and Universities are governed by student codes of conduct that outline prohibited behavior including issues related to academic integrity. A violation of the code of conduct could result in removal from a class with a failing grade, suspension or expulsion from the school or program, or other adverse actions. Colleges and Universities have different disciplinary processes with different procedural rules. Those processes may include written responses to the allegations, a hearing, and/or an opportunity to appeal any negative decisions or outcomes until the process is completely finalized.
Students benefit from legal representation to ensure that the University personnel properly follow all of the procedures and provide students with due process. Additionally, having an advocate during all phases of the disciplinary process generally ensures the best possible outcomes. At times, students who advocate on their own behalf find themselves with adverse consequences that they did not anticipate, and they seek representation at later stages in the process. While it is never too late to seek representation, often times it is easier to solve a problem in a collaborative way in advance of a decision to impose adverse consequences. In other words, it is generally easier to keep a train on the track then to get a derailed train back on the track. If you have any question about whether legal representation/advocacy will help, please contact our office for a free consultation.
The student community at Colleges and Universities are governed by student codes of conduct that outline prohibited behavior including issues related to academic integrity. A violation of the code of conduct could result in removal from a class with a failing grade, suspension or expulsion from the school or program, or other adverse actions. Colleges and Universities have different disciplinary processes with different procedural rules. Those processes may include written responses to the allegations, a hearing, and/or an opportunity to appeal any negative decisions or outcomes until the process is completely finalized.
Students benefit from legal representation to ensure that the University personnel properly follow all of the procedures and provide students with due process. Additionally, having an advocate during all phases of the disciplinary process generally ensures the best possible outcomes. At times, students who advocate on their own behalf find themselves with adverse consequences that they did not anticipate, and they seek representation at later stages in the process. While it is never too late to seek representation, often times it is easier to solve a problem in a collaborative way in advance of a decision to impose adverse consequences. In other words, it is generally easier to keep a train on the track then to get a derailed train back on the track. If you have any question about whether legal representation/advocacy will help, please contact our office for a free consultation.